Fibromas or fibromatous lesions are mostly benign soft tissue tumors which exist in various forms depending on their etiology. Chronical irritations for example due to prosthesis or orthodontic device can cause fibrous hyperplastic neoformations, which are called epulis if located on the gingiva. Pyogenic granuloma appear commonly during pregnancy, feel smooth and are red to purple coloured, grow rapidly and are easily bleeding. Fibromatosis is a familiar predisposed or drug-induced (by phenytoin, cyclosporine A, and various calcium channel blockers) gingival hyperplasia.
The generalised fibromatosis, Morbus Recklinghausen, is characterised by increased pigmentation and multiple fibromas of skin and mucosa with involvement of various other organs.
Depending on the lesion, treatment options are excision, curettage or (repetitive) gingivectomy combined with careful oral hygiene.