Roseola, sixth disease, Exanthema subitum or also called rose rush of infants belongs to the group of herpes viruses (HHV 6). 5-15 days after the infection, a sudden high fever (until 40 °C) occurs and lasts for about 3-5 days with barely no reduction of the general condition. A transient, maculopapular, nondesquamating rash on trunk and extremities can follow and last until 3 more days. There is normally no oral manifestation. Primarily roseola is an illness of young children not older than 4 years of age.
Pathogen: Herpes Simplex Virus Type 6
Transmission path: droplet infection
Incubation time: 5-15 days
Contagiousness: until the fever abates
Prodromal symptoms: -
Symptoms: abrupt onset of high fever, followed by a rash
Treatment: symptomatically
Complications: febrile convulsions, neurologic symptoms