The viral flu or influenza can be caused by several different influenza-viruses. It comes up mostly seasonal and epidemic in all age groups. The typical symptoms include high grade fever, head- and bodyaches, dry cough etc. start often suddenly. Frequently but not regularly, symptoms on the oral mucosa are possible to appear within the first 24 hours of a flu and last for 7-10 days. A diffuse reddening of the throat, the tonsils and the soft palate is likely to occur. Furthermore, a rather rare characteristics of influenza are the so-called 'flu points', meaning grouped yellow-white, 1-2 mm specks, located on the buccal mucosa and the lip mucous membrane. Moreover, gingivitis or flat ulcers may also be present.
Pathogen: influenza-viruses
Transmission path: smear infection, droplet infection
Incubation time: 1-4 days
Contagiousness: a few hours before the symptoms show up until one day after recovery
Prodromal symptoms: -
Symptoms: fever, head-/bodyaches, dry cough, possibly accompanied by diarrhoe, attack of sweating, pharyngitis , weakness
Treatment: symptomatically
Complications: bacterial superinfections, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis