The reason for the onset has not yet been clarified. It is suggested that the etiology is multifactorial with predisposing factors like trauma, microbial factors, stress, foods, family tendency, drugs, immune disturbances, hormonal imbalance, smoking as well as immunologic ingredients.
Due to the still unclear etiology, the treatment is reduced to suppressing the symptoms, decreasing the time of recovery and decreasing the frequency of recurrence. There is a wide selection of therapy approaches. The most effective methods are listed below:
Topic therapy options: - Corticosteroids (only short-term use!)
- Clofazimine
- Benzydamine
- Antibiotics: Penicilline G, Tetracycline (contra-induced in children)
- Local anaesthetics
Systemic therapy options: (->only induced in severe cases or with associated systemic disorders!)
- Corticosteroids (only short-term use-> side effects!)
- Colchicine
- Azathioprine, methotrexate and cyclosporine A (Cave-> side effects!)